Plik:Coat of arms of Wallachia.svg

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Rozmiar pierwotny(Plik SVG, nominalnie 450 × 750 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 33 KB)
Català: Valàquia.
Deutsch: Wappen des Fürstentums Walachei.
English: Current Version. Principality of Wallachia coat of arms. In the traditional form of Aquila Valahica, used in second half of XVI century, XVII century, XVIII century, and first half of XIX century.
Draw after the coat of arms present in Pătrașcu cel Bun seal. Dan Cernovodeanu, Știința și arta heraldică în România, p 215, planșa IV, Fig 6.
Sources for tinctures:
Dan Cernovodeanu, Știința și arta heraldică în România, planșele: VI, fig. 5-6; IX fig. 6; X fig. 2,4; XI, fig. 2,3,4,5,6; XII 1,2,3,4,5,6; XIII 1,2,3,5,6, XXI, fig 1,4,5; XXII 1,2,4,5
Ciro Spontoni description of the banner colors in time of Michael the Brave, Giacomo Sarzina, Historia della Transilvania / raccolta dal cavalier Ciro Spontoni ..., Venetia, 1683.
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Autor Alex:D

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aktualny07:06, 5 mar 2021Miniatura wersji z 07:06, 5 mar 2021450 × 750 (33 KB)Fenn-O-maniCReverted to version as of 21:43, 26 August 2008 (UTC) Reverting the non-vector edits, should be uploaded as separate files

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