English: Ragonath Row Ballajee; Pundit Purdhan, Peshwa of the Mahratta Empire
Ragonath Row Ballajee; Pundit Purdhan, Peshwa of the Mahratta Empire
Engraver T. Wageman, Artist: James Forbes
Medium: Engraving
Date: 1813
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Plate forty-one from the second volume of James Forbes' "Oriental Memoirs". In 1775 Forbes (1749-1819)was at Cambay as part of the Maratha campaign in Gujarat where his friend, Sir Charles Warre Malet (1752-1815) was the English Resident. He was present during the crucial political meeting between the Nawab of Cambay and the Mahratta Peshwa 'Ragonath Row' when he made this portrait. Forbes writes: 'This portrait, from a drawing made during the campaign in Guzerat in 1775, was thought to be a striking likeness of Ragobah, or Ragonath Row, the Brahmin sovereign of the Mahrattas.'
Raghunath was son of Bajirao Balaji. Therefore, his name was Raghunathrao Bajirao and not Raghunath Balaji